Yoga Home Practice

Practicing Yoga in a Covid World – Welcome to your home practice

As a yoga teacher, I have always said that if I do my job correctly, you won’t need me or any other yoga teacher.  Essentially, my job is and always has been, to inspire you to want to practice yoga at any time and in any place and to feel safe doing so.  You don’t need me.  Your body holds all the wisdom you will ever need.

So, that being said, it appears that the current health situation of the world is inviting us to find our own practice.  To become our own teachers.  To trust ourselves and open to our own inner wisdom.

Take a seat.

Breath in, slowly

Breath out, slowly

Feel your breath

Gently turn your head from side to side

Slowly drop an ear to a shoulder, how does that feel?

Try the other side, how does that feel?

Gently move your arms up and down

Shrug your shoulders, do some windmills, how does that feel?

Notice your breath

Move your body

Stretch your sides

Rotate your torso

Move your legs

Bend your knees

Feel your hands, feel your feet,

Feel your breath

Begin to deepen the movements

Find what nourishes you, and repeat

If something hurts, stop

Notice your breath, keep it smooth, keep it steady, allow it to find your calm

Practice going deeper

Deeper in your movements

Deeper in your breath

Deeper in your awareness



Diana Bonyhadi

Taking Care of Yourself

Taking Care of Mind and Body & Helpful Online Resources

It’s been a long time since last I wrote….

I have had many requests of late.  Friends, family, students, all asking for what they can do to nourish themselves in this time of Covid 19.  I am honored to be asked, and humbly offer you the following:

There is a glut of information online about how to stay healthy in mind, body and spirit.  By this point, we all know to maintain physical distance from one another, keep our bodies and living spaces as clean as we can, eat well, exercise and get fresh air and plenty of rest.  To this, I am going to add, that we really don’t need to check the news every hour.  I worry that the tendency to do this will only feed our fears and further stress our bodies.  Sure, check your news feed in the morning or once some time during the day, but you probably don’t need to do it all day long and especially not right before bed.  If you frequent social media sites, check-in with yourself, notice if the time spent there is making you feel calmer and more present, or if it is making you more anxious and stressed.  If it is the later, maybe it is time to pick up a book, work on a puzzle, make some art or music or practice yoga or meditation.

I know many of you have asked me to make you a video.  I might just do that, but in the interim, there are so many very good offerings out there, I encourage you to explore them.

If you don’t have a home practice, and just want some coaching and guidance and want to feel like you are part of a class, there are numerous online yoga and meditation resources that have been around for years and provide a deep well of information and teachings.  Many of these require a paid membership, but in these times, that may be a worthwhile expense.  Some of these are free and offer super high quality accessible classes (Veterans Yoga Project and Insight Timer).

These are the ones I tend to return to again and again.  Just click on the links to check them out:

Yoga:,,,, Yoga with ADRIENNE,

Veterans Yoga Project


Meditation Insight Timer, Waking UP,, Sounds True, Shambala

Zoom Classes:

In addition, most studios in our area and across the country are now live streaming their classes, as are many master yoga teachers who would normally be hosting large group teacher trainings.  Some of these classes are free for the next week or so, some are already fee-based.  Most yoga studios and teachers operate on very narrow margins, and as a result of the mandatory closures, they are finding it hard to make ends meet.  So taking their classes online enables them to pay their teachers and hopefully re-open their doors once this virus has run its course.

In order to take these live-streamed streamed classes, (practicing with the teacher in real time with the teacher), you will need to click on a link that will take you to a Zoom window in your browser.  The process is pretty self-explanatory, but it does require a bit of computer savvy, so do give yourself some time to figure out the technology or you will miss the start of class.

Here are the links for a few of local studios that have been posting classes.  I only post these, as I have taken the classes and know the teachers. However, there are many more out there to explore.

Home Practice Essentials:

Before you get started, make sure you have everything you might need near by.  Choose how long you want to practice and make a commitment to that.  Even 10 minutes a day will make a difference. Get a drink of water or tea.  Turn off your phone, ask housemates to join you or at least not interrupt you.  Sit down and center yourself before you begin.  Remember svasana at the end.


Yes, one of the benefits of going to the studio or gym is that they will have all these wonderful props.  Of course you can order your own online, but you can also make do with some common household items.

Yoga Mat  – or anything that will keep your feet from sliding out from under you

Straight backed chair – for support and chair-based practice

Yoga Blocks – or books or anything that raises the floor a bit will support your hands

Yoga Straps – or belts, or scarves

Yoga Bolsters – rolled up blankets/towels or pillows or sofa cushions

Yoga Blankets – firm blanket that is not slippery to provide support and comfort


That’s it for now.  More to follow soon.  If you have online resources you’d like to recommend, please do share.  Seems I have and abundance of time these days to practice yoga and meditation.

Summer is Almost Here

Greetings Yogis


Well,  I’ve done a remarkable job of not writing on this blog.  Oh well.  I’m learning to accept this part of myself.  Computer screen time simply falls very low on my to-do list.

Given that Summer is almost officially here, with the Solstice this weekend. I wanted to wish you all a very happy, playful summer.  Go on, get out there.   Romp around in the sun, hike in the woods, play on the beach, eat warm freshly picked berries and handmade ice cream, attend a local outdoor music venue and dance under the stars.  Share the summer sunny days with friends and family.

I will  be doing quite a bit of travel and sailing this summer.  As a result, I will be so much in and out of town, I’ve decided to put my public classes on hold until the Fall.  However, I will still be available for privates when I am in town.  Feel free to give me a call to schedule a private if you are interested and we will see what we can arrange.

Be well, take care, keep up your practice and enjoy the summer sunshine.

Shalom & Namaste

Diana Bonyhadi

New Year, New Beginnings

Happy New Year

I am just back from 3 weeks in Mexico feeling refreshed and ready to embark on the New Year.  I admit to being a sun-aholic.  I love hanging out on the beach, playing in the water and living practically full-time out of doors and being warm the entire time.

I believe it is incredibly important to determine what nourishes you spiritually and physically and to make a commitment to setting aside time to recharge yourself.  Vacationing is certainly one way to do that, but we don’t always have the time or the resources to wander off to the retreat of our choosing.  But we can set aside time each week, and even each day to nourish our bodies and spirit.

Take some time to figure out what makes you feel good.  When do you find yourself smiling, both inside and out?  When do you experience a sense of contentment and well-being?  What gives you joy? Make a list, put it some place you can return to easily.  And then you have your own handy pick-me-up protocol.  Here are some of the things I do regularly that keep me happy, grounded and smiling.

  • Daily yoga & meditation
  • Walks in the woods and along the beach
  • Listening to music and having my own private dance party
  • Sipping tea, wrapped in a warm blanket and reading a book
  • Hanging out with my friends – perhaps with a glass of wine in hand
  • Spending time with my husband and kids
  • Cooking and gardening
  • Teaching and studying yoga

Okay, so there you have it, you know my list of nourishments.  I wonder what you will put on your list.

Good News – I am starting a new Tuesday Evening Slow Flow yoga class in West Seattle at Limber Yoga on February 5th at 4:30pm.

Come Check it out.  I am super excited to finally be teaching in West Seattle, and Limber Yoga has a great open light filled space, fully equipped with all my favorite props.

Happy New Year, may it be a year of joy and blessing and good health for you and all those you hold dear.

Shalom & Namaste

Diana Bonyhadi

Winter Solstice


Holiday Greetings Yogis

Today was the shortest day of the year, tonight the longest night of the year.  This morning I awoke to the moon shedding a golden path across the water as it set.  I thought, I am blessed to see this.  Tonight I will join friends and family around a bonfire, hurling into the fire all that we wish to shed from this year. It will be easy to think of  quite a few things we have had to endure this year that we would like to release from our consciousness.   But on the other hand, what if I could let go of/change only one thing, just one thing about myself, what would it be?  Why? And why haven’t I asked this question sooner?  And how would I go about letting that thing go?  Whatever it is.  How about you?  What would you change/let go of?  A worthy question to ponder on this, the longest, darkest night of the year.

November 2017, I removed myself from pretty much all social media.  It’s been a bit more than a year since then.  I don’t particularly miss interacting with people via a computer.  In  fact there are many things about computer socializing I haven’t missed at all. And as a result, I have had way more time to practice yoga, meditate, read books,  work on projects, observe the world around me and study. I have also learned that the forums for socializing on the computer have become the main vehicle for advertising.  I know I shouldn’t be surprised; Newspapers and magazines were for news first, and then advertising; the postal service was for communicating with friends and family news and other events, then advertising.  Now news and social interaction happen via computers, so there too will happen advertising.  I guess what all this boils down to is…

In 2019, I pledge to be more present online.  I will share with you how I have spent my last year (lots of study & meditation), what I am working on, what I am teaching, when and where. I will continue to keep my posts short, but look forward exploring with you some of the deeper explorations into meditation and yoga.  Maybe we can make it more of a dialogue.  Let me know, how your yoga is nourishing you, and what you struggle with.  Yoga lives beyond the mat, so how are you living your yoga?

Again, I offer you my deepest gratitude for your presence in my life, and for your practice.  It brings us all one breath closer to peace.

Happy Solstice & Happy New Year


Diana Bonyhadi

P.S. I am off to Mexico for 3 weeks.  No computer.  Ahhhh

Back Bend Workshop

Back Bend Workshop

Sunday December  16, 2018


Village Green Yoga, Issaquah, WA


Welcome to the Holidays,

The Holiday Season is upon us. Up here in the Pacific Northwest, the rains have set in, coloring the skies grey and generally making things cold and damp.  Daylight hours are still waning, and many of us wake-up in the dark and don’t get back home till the sun has set. 

To balance this, we light candles, make/eat cookies, decorate our homes with lights, and host/attend numerous celebrations bringing the light of friendship and family into our homes and hearts. 

But sometimes that is just plain hard.  Maybe we are tired, worn-out, over-stimulated, already feeling the effects of the darker days, or we are dealing with difficult personal stuff; but whatever the reason, the “Season of Joy” might be our “Season of Challenge”.  And this is where yoga can once again support us.  In order to connect with others, we need to be able to open our hearts and connect with ourselves. Backbends do just that, through physical forms we touch down into emotional spaces.

Yoga is full of backbends.  Some are super dramatic, like urdhva dhanurasana (full wheel), ekapada rajakopatanasana 4 (full pigeon), others are more subtle, like Warrior I or cow pose. Regardless of the depth of the pose, backbends are incredibly nourishing.  Not only do they bring healing to the spine, but also they re-engergize the body as we open up the spaces around the heart.  They help us to breath more deeply, and with greater ease, allowing us to more fully oxygenate all the organs in the body.  At a deeper level, backbends ask us to expose our hearts, open to vulnerability, and explore the edges of our fragility.  And in doing so, we find the spaces within, from which we can draw the strength to love more deeply and give more freely, and not just to other, but also to ourselves.

In order to derive the greatest benefit from backbends, it is essential to know how to do them safely. 

This workshop will help you to understand the dynamics of the backward bending poses enabling you to make the best choices for your body about which poses will nourish and heal, and which poses could problematic or hazardous. We will look at some anatomy, appropriate warm-ups, sequencing and counterposes, so you will always be able to practice backbends safely on your own, whenever and wherever you may want/need them

Join me for an afternoon that is certain to inspire and nourish.

Click here to sign up

Shalom & Namaste

Diana Bonyhadi






Mastering the Standing Poses

Greetings Yogis,

I’m pleased to announce that on November 18th,  I will be hosting a workshop on  the fundamentals of the standing poses.  Of course there is more to standing poses than just placing your feet appropriately on your mat and doing something with your arms.  Standing poses are an opportunity to stand firmly upon the earth and open to the spaciousness within.    Finding the correct physical alignment for your body will also allow you to find your own internal alignment with yourself.  When your poses are no longer a struggle, opening to the peace within comes more easily with each and every breath.  Join me for an exploration of the architecture of the poses that allows us to stand firm and tall and strong and calm.


2018 Fall Workshop Series

After a long hiatus from leading workshops, I am pleased to announce that I will be offering a series of workshops this Fall, focusing on structural alignment, safe modifications and attunement within fundamental poses found in most asana practices.  These workshops are appropriate for all bodies but are recommended for yogis with an enduring and dedicated practice.

All workshops will be offered at Village Green Yoga, 1:30-4:00pm

The cost per workshop is $45, but all three can be purchased for a discount of $40.00 per workshop.  Please contact Village Green Yoga to sign up.

Sunday, October 14, 2018 – Sun Salutations

Sunday, November 18, 2018 – Standing Poses

Sunday, December 16, 2018 – Backbends

Greetings for 2018

Dear Yogis

Happy New Year.

I sat down several times in the last few weeks to write you all a letter of Holiday Cheer and New Year Wisdom.  Alas alack, after several attempts, I found that really most of what I had wanted to share with you, had already been said by someone else, and usually way more eloquently than I could ever articulate. I gave it up for a bit, but today I realized, I did want to send you all a note.

So, I will keep it simple.

I am grateful to all of you: my students; teachers; friends and fellow yogis for all the support you have given me this past year.  and I want to let you know that I am here for you. If ever I can be of service to you in any way, please let me know.

You may have noticed, that my teaching schedule has been reduced.  I am only teaching a couple of public classes a week (Mid-Day Bliss at Village Green Yoga).  Instead,  I am teaching more classes at senior living communities and volunteering with a few local service organizations.    If you are interested in scheduling private or small group classes or workshops, I do still have room in my schedule for that.  Give me a call or drop me an email to set something up.

2017  was a tough year.  I think we can all agree on that.  But I also believe it was the catalyst many of us needed to step up and commit to doing the work we were each meant to do.  For me, this has led to enrolling in classes in physiology, kinesthesiology, meditation and philosophy.  And, while I miss time on the mat with my students, I know that now is the time to return to my studies, delving deeper into my meditation practice and giving back to my community.

In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, which was this week, I wish you the very best for 2018.  May this be the year, you truly step into your dreams, following your heart, listening to the voice of wisdom and compassion that lives within you, and may you find the work that inspires and nourishes you and all those around you.  In the yogic sense, this is following your Dharma.

Eat well, move safely, sleep soundly and breathe with awareness.

May this be a year of blessing and joy.

Shalom & Namaste

Diana Bonyhadi